Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Pelicans at Sunset II

As my mother well knows, I have a great love of water. There is something about it that's soothing, calming and even mesmerising. I also have a great love of animals as well, so as you can imagine, I couldn't resist painting this picture. Taken in Iluka NSW Australia on sunset, the colours caught my eye, as well as the Pelicans. I was half tempted to call this piece "Mine" after the Seagull's in "Finding Nemo".

They are so use to fisherman tossing fish guts backing into the water in the afternoon, that if anyone, like me turns up at the right time, they will converge and hope for a fishy treat. Sadly I disappointed them and they soon spread out.You can see the reference photo on my SXC account here.

Created in Pixarra, Twisted Brush, 1600 x 1200 pixels

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