Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Lost In Thought

This one is a portrait I did for a friend. It's of his late mother. I did this as a surprise for him, though I stupidly let slip I was doing this and he bugged me for updates. I only gave him little bits and pieces, like a close up of the eye as a teaser and made his wait till it was complete before he saw the whole thing. I'd like to post up his comment upon seeing the finished piece, but he'd probably thump me. Yes Andy, I do have your comment ;)

She looks a million miles away in this, lost deep in thought and I couldn't help wondering what she was thinking about. I found it interesting and just had to do this. The biggest challenge was getting her face right. Done in 2011 I remember her nose gave me some problems and her right eye, but I'm sure I managed to get them right in the end.

Created in Adobe Photoshop CS2, 3077 x 3077 pixels
Reference copyright to Andy Balkema

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