Sunday, January 29, 2012

Woot Wacom

I'd been after a graphic drawing tablet for a while, but as usually, everytime I'd saved up the money for one, there was a bill that needed paying. Well last year,7th July 2011, I had the money, there were no immediate bills that needed paying, so I purchased one. For the reduced price of AU$149.00 + $14.00 P&H, I'm now the proud owner of a Wacon Bamboo Fun 6x9, CTE-650.

Accationally, it desides it doesn't want to work unless I reboot to computer, even when I've only just turned it on. I've also discovered that the pen doesn't like being stored in the stand for it. It messed with the pen and for a while I thought I was going to have to order a new one. Also, the little plastic tips that insert into the pen for drawing with, are a little pricey, concidering how long they last. 5 for $10. I did find on the net, that ordinary whipper snipper / weed waker line in size 2.70mm can be use as a replacement, but unfortunaetly, 2.70mm isn't sold in Australia from what I've found.

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