Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Stormy Weather

Okay, another one with moving water, but it was the clouds that begged me to try painting this piece. I love storms, despite my mother's fear of them. I enjoy watching clouds roll in across the sky, how the wind whips at them and how dark they can actually get. Most of all, I love the smell of the coming rain and the thunder.

 Created in Pixarra, Twisted Brush, 1600 x 1200 pixels

Winter Wonderland

This was a bit of a challenge for me. I've never tried reproducing a mountain like the one in the background before, but I'm please with how it turned out. The moving water on the onther hand, could do with more work. I've never been good at water, unless it's still.

 Created in Pixarra, Twisted Brush, 1600 x 1200 pixels

Monday, January 30, 2012


This is one of my first attempts at creating a water reflection. I don't think it turned out too well, but it was good for practice.

 Created in Pixarra, Twisted Brush, 1600 x 1200 pixels

Island Home

From the imagination. I hadn't used Twisted Brush for a long time and decided to reacquaint myself with it. The mountains look terrible as do the clouds, but I'm happy with the way the water turned out.

Created in Pixarra, Twisted Brush, 1600 x 1200 pixels

Desert Rocks

A little something from the imagination based on my love of these colours. It's not complete, I need to add more grass in the foreground at the base of the rocks, but I think it works as is.

Created in Pixarra, Twisted Brush, 1600 x 1200 pixels


Another painting based on colour that caught the eye. The pinks, blues and greys in the water was a real attention grabber. I think the background hills are a little to light, maybe a re-work for a future date.

Created in Pixarra, Twisted Brush, 1600 x 1200 pixels


It was the colours in the sky, that led to me doing this piece, though I did add a bit too much yellow. I'm not convinced this one actually works. The setting is nice enough, I'm just not sure on some of the foreground colours.

Created in Pixarra, Twisted Brush, 1600 x 1200 pixels

Pink Sky

I had three reference versions of this piece to chose from, but I decided on this one. The bright pinks against the grey sky really caught my eye and proved to be a temptation I couldn't resist. The ice capped mountain on the left and trees on the right, I did in a dark blue because black just appeared too flat. I'm still not convinced the blue works. I may have to re-work this one.

 Created in Pixarra, Twisted Brush, 1600 x 1200 pixels

Rocky Island

When I came across this image in an documentry I was watching on Canada, I just had to paint it. I love the colours of the sky and how it reflects across the water. The island of rocks in te foreground are a real eyecatcher which only adds to this piece.

For some reason, the colours aren't showing up on this thumbnail. Too get to full benifit, make sure you check out the full size.

 Created in Pixarra, Twisted Brush, 1600 x 1200 pixels

Desert Landscape

This little creation came right out of my mind. For some reason I really love the colour of red desert rocks and the way the light and shadows fall. I added the house and shed afterwards. It needed something in the foreground and shrubs weren't doing it for me.

Created in Pixarra, Twisted Brush, 1600 x 1200 pixels

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Scottish Bay

 For a while now, I've been watching a friend, create some beautiful misty landscapes. I've always wanted to give it a try but never thought I was capable. This is actually the second version. Something happened to the program and as I was putting the finishing touches on the first one, and it vanished. I wasn't too happy about it but at least I enjoyed redoing this one.

Created in Pixarra, Twisted Brush, 1600 x 1200 pixels

Woot Wacom

I'd been after a graphic drawing tablet for a while, but as usually, everytime I'd saved up the money for one, there was a bill that needed paying. Well last year,7th July 2011, I had the money, there were no immediate bills that needed paying, so I purchased one. For the reduced price of AU$149.00 + $14.00 P&H, I'm now the proud owner of a Wacon Bamboo Fun 6x9, CTE-650.

Accationally, it desides it doesn't want to work unless I reboot to computer, even when I've only just turned it on. I've also discovered that the pen doesn't like being stored in the stand for it. It messed with the pen and for a while I thought I was going to have to order a new one. Also, the little plastic tips that insert into the pen for drawing with, are a little pricey, concidering how long they last. 5 for $10. I did find on the net, that ordinary whipper snipper / weed waker line in size 2.70mm can be use as a replacement, but unfortunaetly, 2.70mm isn't sold in Australia from what I've found.