Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mr Pride

This pelican (1 of 3) seem quite happy to pose for me, which was very kind of him. I took the photo back in 2004, and I've only just gotten around to painting it now. on Pixarra. I have painted him before, using ArtRage, but I think this one turned out better. You can see the reference photo on my SXC account here.

 Created in Pixarra, Twisted Brush, 1600 x 1200 pixels

Monday, February 20, 2012


I saw something that really upset me and I needed something to try and take my mind off things. This is a friend of mine when he was like 18 or 21. We play a few RP Games together and stir each other at the same time. Well, I probably stir him more then he does me. I want to try doing another portrait. I didn't have any reference photos, but I knew where I could get some (evil laugh). I stole from you Nick, sorry Mate lol

His face and hair need work. I could see where I need to fix things, but for the life of me, I couldn't get his eyes right. His bum fluff (facial hair) was a little on the thin side, so I thickened it. I didn't plan on having a black background, but the program went stupid and merged a few too many layer -_-. I may, at some point try to add another background colour when/if I can get those eyes right.

Created in Pixarra, Twisted Brush, 1347 x 1600 pixels

Reference copyright to Nick Fletcher

Friday, February 17, 2012

For Me?

This one is of my nephew, Gabriel. It's actually his birthday today as well. He's in his terrible two's. My brother, Simon, Gabriel's father said he hit the terrible two's a few months ago. Anyway, I wanted to try doing a portrait in twisted brush and just happened to have a heap of Gabriel photo's in my mail. This one I thought was the best of them. I haven't worked out what to do with the background yet. In the reference image, it's just rocks, but I don't fancy trying to paint them. far too many.

Created in Pixarra, Twisted Brush, 1845 x 2277 pixels 

Reference copyright to Simon Fearby

Update 7:48pm: Ooooooooooooooooooooops, big oooooooooooooops o.O I'm two days early. Gabriel's birthday isn't until the 19th lol Oh well, better two days early then not at all. Hopefully, I'll have come up with a background by then.

Here is what I eventually did with the background. I decided to stick with the colours already in the reference photo, but I just did a blurred mix of the two used colours.

Created in Pixarra, Twisted Brush, 1845 x 2277 pixels 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I came across this road on another of our little explorations. Just out side of Tamworth in NSW, Australia, on the back roads of Loomberah. We were heading to Dungowan to let our dogs at the time run around on public land via the river. They loved their "Drivies" as we called it. We only had to touch the car keys and they'd be out the front door and in the car, looking at my partner and I as if to say "Hurry up, lets go, lets go."

I know the foreground trees need more work, but to be honest, I got sick of doing this one. It seemed to take forever just putting the detail in the mid ground trees. You can see the reference photo on my SXC account here.

Created in Pixarra, Twisted Brush, 1600 x 1200 pixels

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Lost In Thought

This one is a portrait I did for a friend. It's of his late mother. I did this as a surprise for him, though I stupidly let slip I was doing this and he bugged me for updates. I only gave him little bits and pieces, like a close up of the eye as a teaser and made his wait till it was complete before he saw the whole thing. I'd like to post up his comment upon seeing the finished piece, but he'd probably thump me. Yes Andy, I do have your comment ;)

She looks a million miles away in this, lost deep in thought and I couldn't help wondering what she was thinking about. I found it interesting and just had to do this. The biggest challenge was getting her face right. Done in 2011 I remember her nose gave me some problems and her right eye, but I'm sure I managed to get them right in the end.

Created in Adobe Photoshop CS2, 3077 x 3077 pixels
Reference copyright to Andy Balkema

Monday, February 13, 2012

Grumble Bum

This is my late grandfather, the one who use to walk up and down the Moobi Hills in winter as a child. He complained a bit for a laugh, so he was dubbed "Grumble Bum". I think he truly like that name.

This was done in Photoshop with a mouse, I wasn't lucky enough to have my wacon then (c 2008) Oh my poor wrist. It's still clicks from all the mouse related paintings I've done. I'll have to finish this one day, he really does need that shirt.

 Created in Adobe Photoshop CS2, 764 x 764 pixels

Reference copyright to Kerrie Fearby

Frasers Reef Pool

For me, this piece was more about the water, then the surrounding landscape. Each time I'd been past this spot, the water had always been stagnant and near empty. My partner and I decided to go to the beach, it was a hot day. We hadn't planned on going for a swim, but the tide had been high enough to flush this pool out. 

My partner, who isn't all that fond of water, was the first person it. I couldn't believe it. Once I'd put the camera down, I too was in like a shot. It's only about 3 - 4 foot deep, but it's makes a lovely floating spot and it's very secluded.

Created in Pixarra, Twisted Brush, 1600 x 1200 pixels

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Moobi Hills

This one is landscape from a reference photo I took while my partner and I were out exploring. It's at the back of Calala, near Tamworth in NSW Australia. It's over looking the Moobi Hills. My Great Grandfather and a group of men, worked during the "Depression" creating a lookout up there.

It's still standing today even if the local council doesn't look after it.. The workmen and their families lived up there in tents during the middle of winter. My own grandfather use to walk miles down the hill, bare foot, through the snow, just to go to school and then back again.You can see the reference photo on my SXC account here.

Created in Pixarra, Twisted Brush, 1600 x 1200 pixels

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Pelicans at Sunset II

As my mother well knows, I have a great love of water. There is something about it that's soothing, calming and even mesmerising. I also have a great love of animals as well, so as you can imagine, I couldn't resist painting this picture. Taken in Iluka NSW Australia on sunset, the colours caught my eye, as well as the Pelicans. I was half tempted to call this piece "Mine" after the Seagull's in "Finding Nemo".

They are so use to fisherman tossing fish guts backing into the water in the afternoon, that if anyone, like me turns up at the right time, they will converge and hope for a fishy treat. Sadly I disappointed them and they soon spread out.You can see the reference photo on my SXC account here.

Created in Pixarra, Twisted Brush, 1600 x 1200 pixels

Monday, February 6, 2012

Misty Pond

I really love this one. Painted from one of my own photos. I was lucky really. I was living in Tamworth NSW Australia at the time and it had been so long since I'd seen snow. It was winter at the time and I'd heard reports it was snowing up at Hanging Rock, in the mountains above Nundle. Well I got my boyfriend to drive me up there. It's about and hour or so from town.

There wasn't that much snow when we got there and we decided to head down the road a bit further. The road had been closed off at Sheba Dam so we went in for a look. There wasn't much snow on the ground, but this painting is one of the sites we got to see.You can see the reference photo on my SXC account here.

Created in Pixarra, Twisted Brush, 1600 x 1200 pixels

Update: I was talking to my mother on the phone a few days ago and this place was mentioned. I'm told this old bridge/walk way is no longer there. It's been pulled out and replaced.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Pelicans at Sunset

This scene is only five minutes walk from where I live. It's on the Clarence River, at the boat ramp in Iluka. I couldn't believe the colours in the clouds or my luck. I just happened to have my camera with me. You can see the reference photo on my SXC account here.

Created in Pixarra, Twisted Brush, 1600 x 1200 pixels